how to make effective notes

How to Make Effective Notes

How to make effective notes that are helpful?

Be certain you know precisely what data you need to discover 

The more precisely you recognize what you are searching for, the simpler it will be to compose acceptable notes. Envision you are doing a task on  great explorers and you have decided to expound on Christopher Columbus. Simply ask your instructor, what data you have to remember for your work. 

Imprint the sections containing helpful data. 

Imprint the sections containing helpful data. In the event that you have discovered something on the web, you can print out the page and imprint the helpful entries with a highlighter. Then again, you can duplicate the section into a Notes record (for example that you have made in Microsoft Word). In the event that the data source is a book or magazine, you can duplicate the page and feature as above, or you can stamp the section daintily with a pencil (to be deleted later). 

Keep in mind: Highlighting isn’t note-taking. It is your main thing before you take notes! 

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Make your notes short 

Try not to compose total sentences – use contractions and images. Try not to utilize words like “an” and “the”. At times it’s smarter to draw a fast chart than to compose words or expressions; for example on the off chance that you need to demonstrate Columbus’ course to America. 

Consider utilizing a realistic coordinator 

A realistic coordinator is only a bit of paper that is separated into various areas for you to write in your notes. This implies you can sort out your notes as you are making them, not thereafter. A brain map is one case of a realistic coordinator; so is a Venn outline, or an issue/arrangement graph. 

Ensure your notes are intelligible 

It’s no utilization jotting speedy notes that you can’t peruse later. It assists with scattering your notes down the page, so you can without much of a stretch include new data if fundamental. On the off chance that you number your notes, this will assist with keeping them sorted out. 

Utilize your own words (Make notes in your own language) 

Don’t simply duplicate lumps from the featured/checked content. On the off chance that you do this, you risk copyright infringement, bringing about a 0 for the work – and different issues! It merits rehashing: If you take notes in your language before making in English, you can be certain that you have utilized your own words, and comprehended what you have composed.

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